Start Your Journey

Towards Getting your Child Back To School

Most schools have not had access to school avoidance training, so parents must take on the role of advocate and educator. You may feel judged, misunderstood, and frustrated if you are not getting the help you need. Don't be discouraged; this FREE guide explains school resources & laws specific to helping kids with school avoidance access their education. Avoid common mistakes that can delay or derail getting your child back to school.

Advocacy & Education:

As Seen In

As Featured In:

Learning Your Child's Right To A Free Appropriate Education

Understanding your school’s responsibility to ensure your child can access his education is essential.

The Truth About Attendance Policies

Many families come up against this roadblock that feels like salt in a wound.

Discover The Different Roles School Leaders Play

504s, IEPs, 504s, IEPs, OH MY!

The differences between these resources cause lots of confusion. We explain in layman’s terms.

Who is Jayne Demsky

Over the past seven years, Jayne has helped thousands of families as they navigate their child’s school avoidance and the path back to school. Her son struggled with school avoidance for many years. The sadness and uncertainty her family experienced were exacerbated by the fact that there was little awareness, understanding, and data available to guide them towards helping their son. It was a very lonely and scary time. Once he was better, she dedicated herself to helping other school avoidance families.

“Families have enough stress when their kids start avoiding school. They deserve to have essential information and resources readily available to them, so they have enough energy and strength to support the emotional needs of their child”

In 2014, Jayne started researching, vetting, and aggregating the best school avoidance treatment programs, mental health providers, and therapeutic interventions. The School Refusal Hope website was launched to detail and share this information.

In 2020 she formed the School Avoidance Alliance to expand support, connect with leading experts in the field, and accelerate the flow of information between families, schools, mental health providers, academics, and researchers.

In addition, to helping families, School Avoidance Alliance also works with child study teams, teachers, school administrators, mental health organizations, attendance directors, and attendance officers throughout the United States.

"If vital partners like our school districts don’t understand school avoidance, then we are fighting an uphill battle.

For our families to get appropriate assistance, we need to help support and educate our schools with the best practices and evidence-based interventions."

School Avoidance Alliance is recognized by leading school avoidance voices throughout the United States and the world. We seek out the latest research and boots-on-the-ground information with experts in the United States and worldwide. The following is a sample of a few organizations that have professionals we work with:

Columbia University Center for Anxiety in and Related Disorders in NY, The Anxiety Institute in CT, The Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change in MD, Leiden University in The Netherlands, Not Fine in School in the UK, and Kyushu University of Health and Welfare in Japan.

We also consult with experienced special education attorneys, educational advocates, school psychologists, child study team professionals, school superintendents, and teachers.

Our Federal Education & Disability Laws Are On Your Side. Knowledge Is Power.

Use This Guide To Become Your Childs' Best Advocate.

Where do I start on my journey to help my school-avoidant child?

Get the ultimate guide!

It's the only resource dedicated to explaining U.S. federal laws specific to helping kids who have school avoidance.

You can start by going to the School Avoidance Alliance where you can:

  • Read our Parents section 101, 102, and the whole Working with Your School section.

  • Read our Modes of Therapy section to learn about evidence-based treatments for school avoidance.

  • Read our Educator Roadmap to learn how to advise your school on how best to help your child. (Share this information with your school as a credible proof source that they can rely on.)

  • Scan through our blogs to see which current information could help you.

  • Join our supportive Facebook Group to connect with other families who understand exactly how you feel & can share what they have learned.

  • Watch Dr. Jonathan Daltons presentations to gain a deep understanding of school avoidance. He will explain what you need to do and what our kids need to get them back to school.

Establishing A Good Working Relationship With Your School Is Crucial To Help Get Your Child Back To School.

© Copyright 2022 School Avoidance Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This site is designed by School Avoidance Alliance to assist parents, family, friends, caregivers, educators, advocates, and other professionals involved with helping children and finding resources to understand, help and cope with school avoidance, as well as to increase public awareness regarding school avoidance. The contents of this website are presented for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing on this website is to be construed as professional advice on medical, legal, technical, or therapeutic matters. By accessing and using the information on this site, you agree to waive any rights to hold the site developer(s), or any individual and/or group associated with this site, liable for any damage that may result from the use of the information presented.

Copyright 2021 by Jayne Densky