An Immediate Intervention for Chronic Absenteeism: Share with Your Parents Today

Provide free school avoidance education to families with our educator Professional Learning

Provide free school avoidance education to families with our educator Professional Learning

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Can You Relate To These Challenges?

Demanding Case Loads And Burnout

You risk of longer timelines and losing the chance to help students if school avoidance is not addressed quickly and effectively.

Parents don't necessarily know their child is showing signs of school avoidance

Most parents have never heard of school avoidance. So, they are unaware of early warning signs that would help the child receive help from the onset. Delays in intervention impede successful outcomes.

Early interventions are crucial but hard to achieve

We know early interventions improve successful returns to school. But it is hard to achieve when there isn't a process and solution to respond at the first sign of attendance issues.

Not being informed until acute or chronic absenteeism takes hold

Parents usually don’t know an intervention team exists or your staff's roles responsibilities and resources. They don’t know who they should reach out to and how you can help them.

School avoidance can wreak havoc on a family

Parents of school-avoidant kids often feel helpless , scared and isolated. They are desperate for your support and expertise to help their child back to school.

If parents feel appropriate steps are not being taken to get their child back to learning

Schools can be exposed to losing tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars toward litigation, settlement, and out-of-district placement costs.

Obstructed progress of collaboration

Parents feel judged so sometimes they won't feel comfortable working with you. Families need to feel you understand, care and empathize with their child’s challenges in order to collaborate with your team toward reintegration.

Wanting to use ESSER funds for school avoidance help, but can't find quality resources

Yes, this is an issue. There aren't other school avoidance resources like our Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention for Parents. with expert instructors from leading institutions.

Parents have limited knowledge of first-line evidence-based treatment

There is limited information about first-line treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. Parents need this valuable information in order to seek out effective treatment.

Practical and relevant school avoidance guidance is almost nonexistent!

This leaves families scared and confused. We speak to many parents who describe being on the verge of emotional or mental collapse due to their child’s absenteeism.

Our Experts Work at These PrestigiousEducational Organizations

Are You Looking For Solutions

For getting Your Students Back To School?

We Can Help You

We understand your challenges. We know where you’re stuck, and exactly how to help you and your families take positive steps forward

Over the past eight years, the School Avoidance Alliance has been the leading provider of school avoidance education in the United States and Worldwide.

Chronic absenteeism in the form of school avoidance is our domain.

We aim to help you get students back to school by sharing best practices and evidence-based interventions for those challenged with school avoidance.

The School Avoidance Alliance exists to provide you with premium curated content that is relevant and practical.

We are not a corporate machine pushing out information for every issue and problem schools face.

We are dedicated to helping schools understand best practices and solutions that you can implement right away.

Our experts are our country's leading voices, researchers, clinicians, authors, and professors at some of our country's best treatment programs for helping kids with anxiety disorders and school avoidance.

They set you up for success and reduce the time it will take to get students back to learning.

Meet The Experts

Dr. Dina Nunziato

Clinical Director -

The Anxiety Institute

Dr. Dina Nunziato is the Clinical Director of the Anxiety Institute in Greenwich, Connecticut. They provide partial treatment programs and customizable outpatient services for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders and school avoidance.

Dr. Nunziato has helped young adults in anxiety-related clinical and educational settings for twenty years. She specializes in Cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety and related disorders. Her research and publications include using evidence-based mindfulness techniques to support anxiety management, academic success, and emotional well-being.

Most recently, Dr. Nunziato completed a doctoral dissertation entitled Embodied Learning Communities of Practice in Addressing College Student Anxiety.

Ph.D Anthony Puliafico

Director Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders (CUCARD)- Columbia University

Anthony Puliafico, Ph.D. is an associate professor of medical psychology in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. He serves as director of CUCARD Westchester, an outpatient clinic in Westchester, NY. Dr. Puliafico also directs CUCARD Westchester's Anxiety Day Program, which provides daily treatment programming for adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and school avoidance.

Dr. Puliafico frequently presents on the topic of school avoidance and consults with schools and local agencies on supporting youth and families struggling with school avoidance. Dr. Puliafico is the co-author of "The OCD Workbook for Kids" and is a co-developer of the CALM Program for young children with anxiety.

Dr. Anne Marie Albano

Founder - Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders (CUCARD) - Columbia University

Dr. Albano is a Professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University and board-certified in clinical child and adolescent psychology. She is the Founder and Director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CUCARD)in New York City.

Dr. Albano has co-authored over 200 articles and chapters, conducts clinical research, supervises the research and clinical development of interns and postdoctoral fellows in psychology and psychiatry, and is involved in the advanced training of senior clinicians in CBT. One of her most well-known works is co-authoring "Children and You and Your Anxious Child: Free Your Child from Fears and Worries and Create a Joyful Family Life" with Leslie Pepper.

She has been awarded the "Outstanding Contribution by an Individual for Clinical Activities" distinction by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Dr. Jonathon Dalton

Founder, Director -

Center for Anxiety & Behavioral Change

Dr. Dalton is one of our country's leading psychologists treating kids with school avoidance and anxiety disorders. He is a fierce advocate, educating others that evidence-based treatments, such as CBT, are vital to helping kids with school avoidance and severe anxiety disorders.

He is a licensed psychologist, founder, and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioural Change (CABC) in Rockville Maryland. He specializes in treating anxiety disorders in children and teens, focusing on anxiety-based school refusal.

He completed two years of pre-doctoral training at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine – Kennedy Krieger Institute and advanced postdoctoral training at the Maryland Center for Anxiety Disorders at the University of Maryland.

Dr. John Piacentini

Director, Child Anxiety Resilience

Education and Support (CARES) Center - UCLA

Dr. Piacentini is Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and Chief of Child Psychology in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and directs the Center for Child Anxiety, Resilience, Education and Support (CARES), and the Child OCD, Anxiety and Tic Disorders Program at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.

Dr. Piacentini has authored over 300 scientific publications, including seven books, and has received numerous NIH and other grants assessing the etiology, assessment, and treatment of childhood anxiety, OCD, tic disorders, and adolescent suicide.

He is chair of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) for the TLC Foundation for BFRBs, SAB Co-Chair for the Tourette Association of America, former president of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) and the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and a founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.

Krystina Dawson

Certified School Psychologist & Founder -

Center for One Consulting

Krystina Dawson, M.S.Ed., is a certified school psychologist and Mental Health Supervisor in Trumbull, CT.  She has also served as a special education coordinator in Greenwich, Connecticut for almost a decade.

She is experienced and dedicated to leading teams and building plans to reintegrate kids with school avoidance back into school.   She is an adjunct professor at Iona University, teaching graduate classes for mental health students and future school psychologists, such as: "Consultation and Collaboration in Schools," and "Personality and Social Psychology,"

Krystina is the founder of a private consulting agency practice, Center for One, PLLC, which provides educational and wellness services for school-aged children.  The practice is located in Greenwich, CT; however, virtual consultations and services are also offered.

The Master Class for Parents enables you to intervene early, educate families on best practices, promote collaboration,

to help get students back to school.

This will save you and families both time, money.and Frustration.

This Is a Tier 2 Tier 3 Intervention

Promoting School-Home Collaboration That Improves Outcomes And Saves You Time, Money and Frustration

  • It educates parents on school avoidance, evidence-based solutions, and the critical teamwork between school and home, so the parents are ready to come to the table and collaborate on an effective plan right away.
  • It immediately shows parents that your team understands. You are ready to help, setting the tone for empathy, trust, and a collaborative relationship.
  • It's a primer that educates the family with detailed and necessary school avoidance information that would take them years to uncover and compile by themselves.
  • Our expert instructors empower parents with skills and knowledge, delivering hope and compassion.
  • It will cut weeks, months, and years off your school's intervention efforts, improve outcomes, and reduce financial outlays.
  • This response to intervention (RTI) can preclude the need for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan or be used in conjunction with 504 and IEP planning.
  • It will make your job easier while ensuring kids with school avoidance are given the best chance for a successful return to school.

The School Avoidance Masterclass For Parents Improves School Avoidance Outcomes When:

Parents learn all about exposure therapy and how it helps get kids with school avoidance back to school.

They learn the components and process for building a gradual reintegration plan.

Parents will feel supported and understood by the school team.

Parents will know that schools understand school avoidance and what it takes to help them get their child back to school.

Schools can intervene early before school avoidance becomes entrenched.

Families will be able to communicate openly with the school about the challenges they face.

They will receive expert and helpful guidance from leading clinicians.

They feel your school can be flexible and accommodating to their child’s needs.

Their school uses evidence-based guidance to help kids with school avoidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this solve my challenges?

We share the most up-to-date and relevant information and guidance from world-leading clinicians and researchers.

Thousands of families, therapists, and school professionals have benefited from and thanked us for our valuable resources and educational resources on school avoidance, so you can be confident in our products.

Our School Avoidance Master Class has top experts sharing their strategies, information, and techniques that would not be available without contributions to our courses.

How does this course lead to early INTERVENTIONS and why is this so important?

There are many reasons why families may not be alert that they are having trouble getting their kids to school (fear, judgment, blame, uncertain how you can help, or not even realizing there is a problem). It may be weeks or months before they reach out to you for help, if at all.

We know from all the research that each day a child misses school, it becomes harder to get them back.

When you see any signs of potential school avoidance problems, you will have this course as an immediate intervention.

This allows you to get in and help early on instead of getting involved weeks or months later when this is a crisis.

How will this course make my job easier?

Parents are eager and grateful to learn about school avoidance from experts. You are providing them with unprecedented access to these professionals.

Giving them this course sets the tone of understanding and empathy which establishes a trusting relationship.

Our course provides parents with a comprehensive education on school avoidance and details how schools and families work together for the best outcomes. You won't need to educate them and they will be informed and ready to work collaboratively.

Why is this Intervention such a big deal?

Schools have felt at a loss for ways to help their families.

There is a lot of valuable time wasted as families experience long waiting times to get kids to mental health providers. More time is lost as parents and schools are in a state of limbo. Not quite knowing how to help or what to do next.

This course provides you and your families with a valuable tool for progress.

How will it help me Get students back to school?

The school avoidance Master Class provides a structured framework for you to approach planning for getting students back to school.

You have an immediate intervention to offer families, so they feel supported and connected to your team from the beginning of their child's absenteeism.

Providing your families with this expert guidance will empower and motivate them. They need to feel hopeful that their kids can get better, that they can take positive steps, and that your school can help them. They are suffering and need every bit of support they can get!

Does Your Intervention qualify for Esser funds that could make this course Free?

The School Avoidance Master Class for Parent: A Tier 2 &Tier 3 Intervention for Chronic Absenteeism and

The School Avoidance Professional Development Course for Educators is Eligible for Title 1, Title 2A of ESSA and

American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds.

You can verify your state guidelines here at The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, state guidelines

THis is the first time I have heard about you, Can you tell me about your organization?

The School Avoidance Alliance has been helping families with supportive resources for the past eight years.

We have gained a reputation as a leading voice helping families and schools with school avoidance.

Chronic absenteeism in the form of school avoidance is our domain.

The School Avoidance Alliance exists, so we can provide you with premium curated content that is relevant and usable. We are not a corporate machine pushing out information for every issue, and problem schools face.

We are connected with our world's leading school avoidance researchers, clinicians, and advocates.

We are dedicated to helping schools understand best practices and evidence-based solutions that you can implement and use right away to help your struggling students.

What People Are Saying About

School Avoidance Alliance

What a great resource!! I can only say that I wish you had been around ten years ago for my son. I am glad to find you now; I have sent your links to the father of a student at the school where I work. We have a small staff and no school social worker, but I recognize the signs and am in touch with the child and her dad. So a big thank you for being here and providing so much great information

Nancy T,

School Administrator

Parents need this information, and they are lucky you are sharing it all! A lot of kids and families are struggling right now. The schools also need this information.

Andrea L.

ADHD Specialist/Advocate

I recently stumbled upon your website and am in the midst of a very challenging time with my 8-year-old son at school. . Thank you so much for your help and guidance.

Sam W.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the moon and back. Over 4years not one person, lawyers, advocates, family. friends have helped as much as you have and care.

I’m thankful I found your website. I’ve never met a person as true and helpful as you when it comes to school refusal and helping my son.

Words cannot explain my gratitude that there’s still somebody in the world that actually cares.

Robert M,


Its so reassuring to have the support of a parent that has the same experience. I have already come to the conclusion that this is School Avoidance. I also have my first meeting with the support team at her school on March 1st.I did not know that school avoidance is a thing until today! I know feel more empires going forward with achieving a solution to this problem.

Daniell W.


Thank you for your website and Facebook Group. I have been part of your Facebook Group for 3-4 years. I found very valuable information on the website. The Facebook Group has been a source of support. My daughter did one year program online last year. I found that school on your website. I appreciate all your hard work.

Nala T.


Here Are Just A Few Of The Benefits Your Families Will Receive When They Gain Access To This Masterclass:

  • Parents gain knowledge that empowers them to take effective steps forward.
  • An understanding of exposure and reintegration plans so they can be equal partners in using best practices and evidence-based reintegration strategies.
  • Learn about the role of avoidance so they understand what is motivating their child's behavior and help them break the cycle of avoidance.
  • Parents hear from a school psychologist who explains how schools can help and the value of home-school communication and collaboration.
  • Hear about a real student who had school refusal and how the school and family worked together so they see it is possible to get kids back to school when they partner with the school.
  • This course provides parental guidance and strategies that will give parents confidence in their ability to help their child.
  • Learn about the four functions of school refusal behavior to know what treatments and strategies are recommended to help their child.
  • Learn about accommodations and modifications that are useful to help get kids back to school so they can be effective and valuable partners.
  • Get an Introduction to the School Refusal Assessment Scale (SRAS-R) from Dr. Anne Marie Albano, one of the authors! It is used worldwide to help determine the causes of a child's school avoidance.
  • Our expert instructors provide hope and strength to parents when they are scared and feel helpless.

Use Sub-Headings Before Every Major Objection

You Address

People are risk averse. We dread making a mistake and wasting our time and money on something that turns out to be rubbish. This is the part of the sales page where you can appease all those worries. One of the most important things you must learn about people in your market is what kinds of objections they have, so that you can effectively address them here.

People are risk averse. We dread making a mistake and wasting our time and money on something that turns out to be rubbish. This is the part of the sales page where you can appease all those worries. One of the most important things you must learn about people in your market is what kinds of objections they have, so that you can effectively address them here.

People are risk averse. We dread making a mistake and wasting our time and money on something that turns out to be rubbish. This is the part of the sales page where you can appease all those worries. One of the most important things you must learn about people in your market is what kinds of objections they have, so that you can effectively address them here.

We Are Excited To Bring You

The School Avoidance Master Class for Parents:

A Tier 2 and Tier 3 Intervention

for Chronic Absenteeism

This course teaches families all the necessary components to help their kids back to school

Expert instruction on cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure which are first-line treatments for school avoidance

In-home strategies and responses for anxiety and school avoidance

Working collaboratively with the school to build and implement effective back-to-school strategies

Hear a real-life step-by-step reintegration plan. How the parents and school worked together to get a student back to school

What You Get

What Your Parents Will Get:

  • The School Avoidance Master Class: A Tier 2 and Tier 3 Intervention. 6 Modules, 30 Lessons
  • Tier 2, provides an immediate RTI that allows for early intervention which improves outcomes, fosters collaboration, and can reduce requests and implementations of 504 plans and IEPs.
  • For Tier 3 - An RTI that provides psychoeducation, hope, and knowledge to encourage effective responses and structure to build reintegration plans.
  • Expertise and guidance from 5 Leading School Avoidance Clinicians and a School Psychologist experienced in Leading Teams to get school-avoidant kids back to school.
  • A Parent Reintegration Plan Worksheet and a guide for Building Thoughtful and Effective Reintegration Plans for School Avoidance.
  • A Listing of Useful Strategies, Accommodations, and Modifications for School Avoidance.
  • A reference sheet for Alternative Assessments from Indiana University’s Center for Learning and Innovative Teaching.
  • An exposure explainer with sample exposure hierarchy (Module 4, Lesson 2)
  • A Parent Reflection worksheet corresponding to (Module 4, Lesson 4)
Dr. Anne Marie Albano from the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders is our Module  2 Instructor

What You Will Get:

  • A School Reintegration Worksheet.
  • A template from Dr. Patricia Graczyk, Assoc. Prof in Clinical Psychology, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, used for reintegrating kids back to school who have been in inpatient or partial programs. That can be used for ideas and planning for any school avoidance student.
  • A guide to Building Thoughtful and Effective Reintegration Plans for School Avoidance.
  • A reference sheet for Alternative Assessments from Indiana University’s Center for Learning and Innovative Teaching.
  • An exposure explainer with sample exposure hierarchy for quick reference.

This is a one-of-a kind Parent Intervention to help you reduce chronic absenteeism

Bundle with our School Avoidance Professional Learning for your Staff

Our Tier 2 & Tier 3 Intervention is sold in

User Packs of Five.

This is purposeful so you have this resource ready to go at all times, allowing you to give to your families immediately.

Copyright 2022 School Avoidance Alliance